Currently 20, overcast clouds, at Bells Beach Victoria

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Submit Your Video


Submit your video to the surf better now team for review, setting the priority tasks to take your surfing to the next level!

If you’re a SBN member, click here to sign in for member pricing.

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Board Dimensions*



Upload Your Video File

or Video File URL (i.e. Dropbox/YouTube)



Video provides a true representation of a surfer’s performance, providing a perfect platform for the SBN team to review and offer feedback in simple, easy to tackle manner.

Submit your video above, The SBN Team will then create a personalised feedback response, specifically for you and your needs.

According to your level of SBN membership, your review will be either static form or in a narrated and annotated video based response.

– Areas of strength.
– Areas for improvement.
– Priority of technical change to accelerate your surfing development.
– One or two key focuses for you to take into your next surf.

Please note: Max file upload 30mb

2 thoughts on “Submit Your Video

  1. Martin Lee says:

    WOuld you be able to do 1 day turn around for video feedback? I’m from WA, thinking of going to URBNSURF for 3 days in a row. WOuld submit video each day, then watch feedback each night. Happy to pay extra for the urgency.

    1. Liam Robertson says:

      Hi Martin, We could certainly look at that for you depending on the time of year. Please send us an email at and we can talk more! Thanks, SBN

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