Currently 19, few clouds, at Bells Beach Victoria

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Why tailpad positioning is important

The process of buying a board is a complex one. You either feel 100 in a store rack, or wait months for a custom to be delivered. Once you have your new board in your hands, the hard part is done. All that is left to do is throw on your tail pad and leggie, jam your fins in and wax up. Surfing can’t come fast enough…

Have you ever considered that the placement of your tailpad can be almost as important as your choice of fins?

Here’s how to put your tailpad properly, brought to you by Cahill Bell-Warren.

For subscribers, check out the premium addition to this blog: The Position of your backfoot is critical, this is why.

Want more info on equipment?

Size Matters, Especially for a Surfboard (SUBSCRIBERS ONLY)

What should I ride at URBNSURF? (SUBSCRIBERS ONLY)

Volume is your friend, here’s why (PUBLIC)

The 5 Main surfboard tails and what they can do for you (PUBLIC)

5 thinks you need to know about Twin Fin surfboards (PUBLIC)


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